Minion tier

This option is the best to get those small units ready ASAP.

If you have a large number of minis, this is the best deal for you.

Each set of minis is painted with the same colors to provide a cohesive look.

Limited to 3 colors per miniature set

70% of the work is done with contrast paints or similar

$9 - Single miniature

$24 - Set of three miniatures

$59 - Eight to ten minis (up to 2 sets of minis)

Hero tier

This option is ideal for larger units or if you want a bit more detail.

Each set of minis will be done with the same color palette to maintain a cohesive theme.

50-50 balance between contrast paints and traditional paint brush.

$18 Single miniature

$49 Set of three miniatures

$99 Eight to ten miniatures (up to 2 sets of minis)

boss tier

This is the tier for the main evil guy for your campaign, that cool large monster, or just that mini that you adore.

Starting at $35, this is as custom as it gets. We’ll do our very best to make large or detailed minis look the best.